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Ripple (XRP) Spark Airdrop

Flare Networks, which is a smart contract utility fork of XRP, will be dropping more than 45 billion of its native Spark token on December 12. Anyone owning Ripple (XRP) tokens and participating in the airdrop up to this point will be able to receive Spark tokens on a 1:1 ratio.

There are three methods of participating in the Flare Networks snapshot on the 12th of December.

  1. Deposit and/or holding your XRP in a crypto exchange that will support the snapshot (easiest). Please make sure to check with your exchange to see if they intend on supporting the airdrop.
  2. Deposit and/or holding your XRP in a wallet that will support the snapshot. Additional steps will be required. You can see how to use this method via the video below. 
  3. Self-custody claim with a deadline of June 11th, 2021


I had a bunch of people with the same question so as you watch the video you will understand the explanation below. 

The With balance and Balance probably  will NOT match for you. The With balance is your initial deposit you made when you created your wallet. Your Balance is the total amount of XRP you have in your wallet. 

I created this wallet to show you how to do this and I only had one deposit of 99.65 into this wallet. That’s why mine matches and yours might not match. 

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Vocabulary List

OS – operating system

USB Drive – Universal Serial Bus Drive – same as thumb drive

DNS – Domain Name Server – converts a web URL to an IP address.

PUP – Potentially Unwanted Program

IMSI Catchers – cell phone simulators used by law enforcement to capture your phone data

Stingrays – another name for IMSI catchers, cell phone simulators used by law enforcement

NAT– network address translation

IPv6 – internet IP address (new standard)

IPv4 – internet IP address (legacy standard)