Convert MED To Mainnet



This form should be used when you cannot convert your ERC20 (ETH) or QRC20 (QTUM) MED (MediBloc) to MED’s Mainnet. This service will help you to convert the submitted ERC20 (ETH) or QRC20 (QTUM) coins to MEDs Mainnet coin. You must create a MED Mainnet wallet prior to submitting this form.  You must create a MED wallet using the Panacea wallet. For more information on how to create this wallet, please visit the video below the form. Use this URL to create the wallet –

The fee for this conversion will be 15% of your MED. This is the first round for conversions.  The token swap ratio is “Token : Mainnet Coin = 1:0.5.”  For example, if you sent two QRC20 MED tokens, the MED coin will be swapped to one coin.

You should use the following ETH address to send your MED  ERC20 token – 0xb5557F70047941C9e5a71dd60a489286A4c6e7B0

You should use the following QTUM address to send your MED  QRC20 token – QTVji5y1XRDnkwrZxTHjakwgkws1uSFEV3

DO NOT send your MED ERC20 or QRC20 token to your newly created Panacea wallet. They are on  separate networks and your coins will be lost. Only send your MED ERC20 coins to the ETH address above, or your MED QRC20 to the QTUM address above.  You can verify that your coins were sent correctly by visiting – 



This form will close on November 20, 2021 and will be processed by  December 1, 2021.

MediBloc’s Swap schedule : On June 1 and December 1 every year.