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WAX Token

The video below goes into greater detail on how to set up a WAX wallet. The information below the video is an older step by step PDF series.

WAX Running on

I’ve had a few people asking for more information on how to control their WAX tokens on I’m not a big fan of the Scatter wallet and have found it much easier to control and maintain my WAX on I’ve put together a few quick documents that might help anyone who’s already converted their WAX tokens from ERC20 to the WAX mainnet.

Video on how to recover your Scatter wallet by importing your private key –

2 thoughts on “WAX Token

  1. Ha! The video was blurred on my screen the entire video. Then I went into settings and changed the resolution to 1080p instead of Auto. It was like putting on reading glasses!

    1. Great video, BTW. One question is why my WAXP balance shows O with my xxxxx.wam address in but all my coins are visible on with my xxxxx.waa address. Is there a way to change the wallet from .wam to .waa in

      (Google, here I come.)


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